Architectural Photography
A composite of architectural Buildings and Details.
Louis Vuitton Foundation Building
Designed by world renown architect Frank Gehry the glass facade takes the form of a sailboat's sails in the wind. the back of the building has a water feature to make it seem as if the building is moving through the water.
Louis Vitton Sails
Large Curved glass that seem like large sails on the facade of the Louis Vuitton Building in Paris, France.
Louis Vuitton Sails
The curved glass facade on the facade of the building with the large timber structure gives you the feeling of walking by a french 1800 frigate.
Louis Vuitton Details
The beauty of this building is not just the large massive sail like facade, but the attention to detail.
Gargoyles Row
A staple detail of the Notre-Dame Cathedral is the amount of Gargoyles surrounding the Cathedral and not all are identical each one has their own uniqueness to them.
Notre-Dame Front Facade
The front facade of the Notre-Dame Cathedral showcasing some of their saints in a row as well as the glass stained windows.
Notre-Dame Cathedral
Another iconic Gothic architecture cathedral and a staple building in Paris, France. Millions visit this cathedral every year for its beauty and stunning architecture.
The Notre Dame Cathedral showcasing the Flaying Buttresses & Gothic Architecture of the 12th century with the sun peaking through it.
Whales Body
This photo gives you the size and shape of the Cultural center. It’s triangular curtain system allows for the shape to have fluidity, peaceful and calm like a whale, but extravagant intriguing at the same time.
Budapest Whale
Cultural center by the river in Budapest, the whale shaped building sits between two historic warehouses. Design to keep the rich history of Budapest with new smooth upgrade.
Old with an Upgrade
The original building was about 20 meters longer with the new development of the whale these buildings also got an upgrade. they used to be factories now they sit in between the whale, combining both the classical brick facade with a glass curtain.
Compressed Glass
Juxtaposition of traditional buildings with a modern twist. This image looks like an ice cube was forced into a tight space an as the ice melted it took the shape of the opening to fit nice and snug.
I.M. Pei ‘s pyramid at the Louvre superimposed with the French Palace. Which has architecture influenced by Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque and of course Modernism with the addition of the Pyramid.
Brick Jungle
Brick and Concrete building with vegetation growing on balconies can keeps us grounded in a hectic metropolis. Paris, France.
Hexagon Scales
A photo that plays with both Lighting and Texture. The hexagon mosaic tiles give the appearance of a fish like scale texture. the lighting coming through the transparent trellis highlights the facade of the building to showcase the mosaic tiles.
Precast Hole Puncher
The West Facade of the museum showcasing some of the precast panels that makes the the museum unique, the pixel like geometry keeps the facade of the building always changing as the sun moves throughout the day.
String Rainfall
A wonderful installation of plastic extruded plastic cascading from aluminum pipes at the PAM in Miami, FL
Eiffel's Symmetry
Even though it is such a huge structure the symmetry on the Eiffel tower is so precise it feels like something out of a Kubrick Film.
Eiffel's Web Detail
A close up of some of the joints and connections that makes the Larges Monument in Paris such a huge tourist attraction.
Eiffel's Web
The amount of steel used on the Eiffel Tower was insane, the structure itself looks like a spiders web made of steel with it’s numerous crossing beams.
Eiffel Monument
Largest monument in Paris, France. Still amazes me when you see this large monument standing in the middle of what seems to be a concrete plains with no building reaching over 10 stories.
Warp Hole
A closer look at the Glazing punched whole in the building, makes it feel like a black whole if you go through it you come out in another dimension.
Warp Hole 2
A mall in Germany with a distinctive design of their curtain wall, the hole punched through it crates a unique look to the building and the added sliding balcony windows up on top allows you to see the outside, not like the traditional mall’s that once yo are inside the outside world is obsolete.
Waves in the Sky
The glass roof creates motion as you walk through the mall, the lighting inside is exceptional, the curves of the roof makes it feel like you are below the ocean looking up.
Pompidou Center
High-Tech Architecture created by world renoun architects Richard Rodgers, Renzo Piano and Gianfranco Franchini.
Hungarian Jewish Museum
Designs by Ludwig Förster , yet the ark’s of the Covenant were based on designs by Frigyes Feszl who was a master of Hungarian romantic architecture. The outside is just as jaw dropping as the inside.
Bay Windows
Not your traditional Bay Windows but non the a facade filled with bay window, a change from the norm of a regular balcony facade.
Smokers Balcony
One facade of the building was filled with bay windows all the way to the top, adjacent to that facade we have bay windows only on the first floor and the rest are smoking balconies. A small balcony no more then 6 inches deep with a railing with a sliding door for when you want to go for a smoke.
Ceiling Decor
One of the many decorated ceiling’s inside the Louvre Museum in Paris, France.
Roof Terrace
A roof terrace in the FROST Science Museum in Miami, Fl, gives you a wonderful view of the Miami Bay and the American Airlines Arena.
Corner Beauty
The terrace is completely open space giving you different views of the Miami Bay, Downtown & the Miami Airlines Arena.